Importing Scheduling Tasks From Microsoft Excel

How To Prepare The Microsoft Excel Import File

  1. Open a blank Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet or download the sample file referenced below.
  2. The first row (column names) should be labeled as shown in the table. Be sure to include the required fields. Field names do not contain any spacing within the word or before and after.
  3. Insert data starting at Row 2.
  4. Make sure the sheet name that contains the data is labeled Sheet1.
  5. Save the file in Excel 97-2003 format (*.xls).
  6. Close the file otherwise Corecon can not import the data.

Steps To Import the File

  1. Click the 'Projects' icon on the left menu.
  2. Select the Project in the 'Quick Select' section. This will then refresh the page and show the 'Current Project Home' page.
  3. On the 'Quick Links' tab, click the 'Scheduling' link under the 'Project Management and Field Staff' section. This will refresh the page and show the 'Scheduling Module Landing Page'.
  4. Navigate to the 'Schedules (Gantt Chart)' section.
  5. Click 'Add Schedule' option from the drop-down menu.
  6. The Project # should be selected already but it can be changed.
  7. Optional: Specify the Prime Contract #. For design-build firms, developers, and homebuilders, this is recommended if there are going to be multiple lots or contracts.
  8. Enter the Schedule # (eg. 001) and Title.
  9. Select the Work Calendar which will determine Work Days (ex. Mon, Tue, Wed, etc.) and Holidays. Admins can add Calendars in Settings | Feature Settings | Scheduling.
  10. Optional: Enter any Comments.
  11. Select the 'Import From Excel' option.
  12. Click the 'Choose File' button to select the Microsoft Excel file. Make sure the file is closed before uploading.
  13. Click the blue 'Save and View' button at the bottom.

Microsoft Excel Import Sample


Scheduling Task Fields (1st Row):

Column Name Required (*) Field Type Comments
TaskNumber * Integer Example: 1, 2, 3
Description * Text Maximum Characters: 255
ScheduledStartDate * Date
Duration * Integer
Predecessor Integer
Text (for multi-predecessor)
Predecessor task(s) is the activity that must be completed before this task starts. If there are multiple predecessors please separate them using a semicolon (;) and change the column format from Integer to Text.
ParentTask Integer Parent task represents a phase or group (i.e. Sitework, Concrete, Electrical) and should be listed first in the spreadsheet to avoid import problems.

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